Insomnia and Snoring Linked to Risk of Metabolic Syndrome

Insomnia and snoring are two conditions which appear to correlate with an individual's risk of developing metabolic syndrome and could contribute to causing it, according to a new study.

Metabolic syndrome is a collection of various of risk factors - extra fat around the abdomen, high triglyceride levels, high blood sugar level, low HDL cholesterol, and high blood pressure - which increase a person's risk for diabetes, heart disease and strokes.

University of Pittsburgh researchers studied 812 people ranging in age from 45 to 74 for metabolic syndrome and had them fill-out questionnaires regarding sleep quality. Participants who reported suffering from loud snoring had twice the risk of developing metabolic syndrome over a 3 year, follow-up period, compared to participants who did not snore. Specifically, snoring loudly accurately predicted the development of high blood sugar levels and low HDL cholesterol.

Participants who reported that they had difficulty falling asleep (insomnia) had an 80 per cent increased risk of developing metabolic syndrome during the 3 year follow-up period.

Source: LA Times

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