Grinding your teeth at night can result in damaging effects to not just your gums and teeth, but also to your entire body. Those who grind their teeth at night generally do not get the an adequate amount of sleep. Because of this, it is essential that teeth grinding is treated as soon as you realize that you suffer from it. Ignoring teeth grinding can only make the problem much worse. Go to the dentist to get your teeth and mouth checked out. Also, following are some natural home remedies and treatments for teeth grinding (bruxism) that you can try.
1. Before bedtime, eat on an apple, carrot, or another crunchy fruit or vegetable. Chewing exercises the mouth and is healthy for the gums. It may be able to help calm your mouth before going to sleep. A calmer mouth can result in a reduction of teeth grinding at night.
2. Apply a warm washcloth to help relax your jaw muscles. Simply place a washcloth soaked in warm water to your face. This can help stop your jaws from clenching. Pain in the head can also be reduced.
3. Get a massage or take a warm bath. Teeth grinding is often triggered by stress. Stress caused by work can be a primary reason of why people grind their teeth at night. To relieve this stress, take a nice warm bath before bedtime or get a massage.
4. Trying sleeping on your back. There's no better position for helping to reduce teeth grinding than sleeping flat on the back. Sleeping on one's sides can only increase the incidence of teeth grinding. Try not to sleep on your stomach or side.
5. Have a cup of warm milk or herbal tea before sleep. If you need to drink something before bedtime, make it milk or tea. Also, the warmer their temperature, the better. Always avoid drinking alcohol before going to sleep. Drinking alchohol can contribute to teeth grinding.
6. Take a calcium and magnesium supplement. These minerals can contribute to lessening the amount of teeth grinding at night. Try taking these supplements each day.
7. Practice deep breathing. Deep breathing methods can help relax tight, tired muscles. If the body is completely relaxed before bedtime, teeth grinding is less likely. Perform breathing exercises for several minutes before bedtime each night.
These are some of the natural home remedies and treatments for teeth grinding that you can try. Practicing these each night can slowly help you to reduce your teeth grinding and clenching.
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