Getting regular exercise can help you get a better night's sleep and feel more refreshed throughout the day. However, the key is in what type of exercise you get as well as what time of day you do it.
Doing vigorous exercise immediately before going to bed or even within a few hours of bedtime may actually make it more difficult to fall asleep. Many people find this surprising; it's generally thought that activity before bedtime makes you feel more tired. Actually, exercising immediately before bed stimulates your heart, brain and muscles - the exact opposite of what you need before bed. Exercise also increases your body temperature, which is also not something desired before going to bed.
Getting exercise in the morning can help reduce stress and improve mood. These things can indirectly improve sleep. To achieve a direct sleep-promoting benefit from morning activity, however, you should combine it with exposure to sunlight. Being exposed to sunlight first thing in the morning, whether exercising or not, can help improve your sleep by reinforcing the body's natural circadian cycle.
Regarding having a direct effect on improving sleep, vigorous activity late in the afternoon or in the early evening seems to be the most beneficial. This is because it increases body temperature a few hours before bedtime, allowing your body to start cooling just as you're going to bed. This lowering of body temperature seems to be a trigger that aids in falling asleep.
The type of activity which is most beneficial for sleep is cardiovascular exercise - An activity which keeps your heart rate up and your muscles moving continuously for 20-30 minuts. Although resistance training, core exercise, yoga, and other types of activities have health benefits, none can match the sleep-promoting benefits of cardiovascular activity.
Try to do at least twenty minutes of cardiovascular exercise 3-4 times a week. Choose an exercise or activity that you enjoy - try to make it part of your regular routine.
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